Are You Looking for an Injury Lawyer for a Pedestrian Accident in Indiana?
According to one study, there are around 5,000 pedestrians who are involved in fatal automobile-related accidents in the United States. This shows how these accidents to happen somewhat often. Because pedestrians are not protected by a vehicle, they are vulnerable and exposed. Especially if they are struck by a vehicle, they are not protected at all from the impact. When a person is hit by a vehicle, this can have serious impacts on their life including financial burdens, emotional distress, and physical pain. These accidents can also tend toward the serious or catastrophic for the pedestrian.
Have you been injured as a pedestrian in a vehicle accident? Are you facing serious injuries because of the accident? Are you wondering where you can turn to for help to receive the financial compensation you are owed? If you’re in this situation, one of the best options for you is to seek the help and representation of a personal injury lawyer. At Need an Injury Lawyer Indiana, we can provide you with that help. We can help you as you go through this process of recovery, and we can fight for you to ensure you receive a fair amount.
Did you know that drivers of vehicles must watch for pedestrians?
Drivers of automobiles of all kinds have a duty of care to all other parties on the road. Because drivers are more protects, and also because they are surrounded by a large piece of metal that can be dangerous, they must look out for more vulnerable parties on the road such as pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists. Pedestrians are very vulnerable. If a vehicle hits them, they can be seriously or fatally injured. If a driver of a vehicle is being careless or reckless and they hit a pedestrian, they could be held responsible for the accident. Negligent actions of many kinds can lead to pedestrian accidents. Here are a few of the types of behaviors that can lead to accidents:
- Improper lane use and lane changing
- Unmarked crosswalks
- Accidents involving left-hand turns
- Distracted drivers who are texting or doing other unsafe behaviors
What should you do after an accident?
After you’ve been injured, you might be wondering what you should do next. To receive the financial compensation you are owed, you will need to be able to prove to the courts that the driver had a duty of care to you and that they breached that duty. You will also need to prove that the driver caused the accident and your injuries.
Your degree of fault in the accident will also be a factor in how much compensation you are owed. The driver and their insurance company will build a case. In order for you to build a strong case, having a personal injury lawyer on your side is important. At Need an Injury Lawyer Indiana, we can help you. Give us a call today to find out more.